Comprehensive Index A - I

March 1998 through October 2003
Note : Entries in boldface type indicate main stories


abdominal fat Mar03 p7
abortions Oct00 p6
ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme)

inhibitors Mar00 p3

acetaminophen (Tylenol)

asthma Jul00 p4
drug clearance Jan02 p6
FDA warning Sep-Oct02 p4
liver function Jul98 p4

acid blockers Aug99 p3
acid reflux. see heartburn
acidosis Apr99 p3
acne Jun98 p5; Jan99 p5
acrylamide May02 p4
ACTH challenge test Jul98 p5
adaptogens Jun98 p6
addiction Mar01 p2
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) Nov00 p4
adolescents Apr02 p4
adrenal function

breast cancer Aug02 p5
herbal support Jun98 p6
in pets Sep03 p5–6
stress response Mar03 p2–3
support program Aug01 p6; Feb03 p3; Mar03 p2

adrenal insufficiency Jul98 p5
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Sep03 p5–6
Advantage (imidacloprid)

cautions Oct98 p4; Jul01 p7
miscarriage Nov02 p3

advertising Jun99 p1–2
Agent Orange Mar99 p4

brain health Oct98 p5
chicken soup story Dec98 p2
cortisol levels Mar03 p6
estrogen dominance symptom Apr98 p6

agitation Apr98 p5
airplanes Feb01 p4

diabetes and heart health Oct99 p2–3
heart disease protection Aug98 p3
insomnia cause Jan00 p2

alendronate. see Fosamax
alfalfa Jun98 p6
alkalosis Apr99 p3
alkylphenols Jun99 p3

environmental illness Aug00 p5
food sensitivity Apr98 p7
to fragrances Feb03 p2–3
to sulfur Jul-Aug03 p7

allergy medications Jan00 p2
allopregnanolone Dec01 p3
alpha-lipoic acid Mar02 p4
alternative medicine. see complementary medicine
aluminum Jul-Aug03 p3
Alzheimer's disease. see also dementia

alpha-lipoic acid Mar02 p4
curcumin for prevention Nov01 p4
dietary influences Feb03 p4
estrogen Apr00 p4
estrogen news reports Jun99 p1–2
fluoridation Jul-Aug03 p6
homocysteine as risk factor Feb99 p6
hormones Jul-Aug03 p1–3
progesterone supplementation Dec98 p7

amino acids

cancer prevention May98 p3
food sources Jun98 p6
tyrosine and insomnia Jan00 p2


metabolism booster Aug01 p5–6
ovulation failure Jul99 p3
replacement in men Sep-Oct01 p5–6

androstenedione Jun98 p2,7

diagnosis Aug02 p3,8
natural killer cells Feb02 p5
symptoms Aug02 p2
treatment program Feb00 p7

anesthesia Jun99 p4
Angelica sinensis (dong quai) Jun98 p6 angina Aug98 p2
angiogenesis Apr99 p6
anovulation. see ovulation
antacids Apr00 p4; Jan01 p4. see also heartburn
anthroposophic medicine Dec98 p5
anti-aging May02 p6

cautions Nov01 p1–3
colon health Apr00 p3
folic acid interference Dec00 p2
reader letter Dec99 p7
soap Jan02 p4

antibodies Sep-Oct02 p2–3
anticonvulsants Dec00 p3

hot flash relief Mar01 p7
insomnia cause Jan00 p2
vs. progesterone Jul02 p5–6
withdrawal Feb00 p4

antihypertensives Mar00 p2
antinutrients May98 p5; Jul00 p6

arthritis pain relief Nov01 p6
BPH treatment Feb02 p3
brain health Apr01 p3
cholesterol reduction Jul98 p3; Jun01 p2
colon health Apr00 p3
heart disease prevention Aug98 p3
liver health Oct00 p3
melatonin Dec01 p6
vision protection Jun99 p6; Jun03 p4

antiperspirants Nov99 p7

estrogen dominance symptom Feb99 p7
menopause symptoms Mar01 p7
relaxation Mar03 p1


cancer prevention mechanism May98 p2
metabolic regulation Apr00 p5
vitamin E and breast cancer Jun99 p4

appendix Jun00 p4
apples Feb02 p4
arachidonic acid Apr03 p6 Arimidex May03 p2
aromatase inhibitors Nov02 p7; May03 p2
aromatherapy Oct99 p4
artemisia Feb03 p5–6
arterial health Dec00 p5
arteries Aug98 p2; Mar00 p2
arteritis Jun00 p3
arthritis Sep99 p4; Nov01 p5–6
asbestos in tampons hoax Mar00 p7
aspartame Apr98 p5; Jun99 p5
aspartate Nov01 p4

clinical trials Mar02 p2
Coumadin (warfarin), dangers May02 p2
heart health Jan02 p8

assertiveness Jul02 p2

acetaminophen Jul00 p4
breast feeding as preventive in children Jul99 p4
dietary connection Feb02 p4
drug effectiveness through menstrual cycle Apr98 p4
hormone balance Jun01 p7
vaccine connection May01 p6

asthma medications Jan00 p2; Dec01 p1–2
Atkins diet Apr03 p4
Atrazine Oct99 p4
autism Jun03 p4
autoimmune disorders

as cause of death Oct00 p4
estrogen dominance symptom Apr98 p6
histamine cause Dec99 p6
hypothyroidism Nov00 p2
natural killer cells Feb02 p5
postpartum Dec01 p2

autonomic types Nov02 p5

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babies May00 p5. see also infants
baby food Sep99 p4
back pain Jul98 p3; Jul99 p5
backpacks Jun03 p3 bacteria May00 p2
beef Jun99 p4; Aug99 p4
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

diet connection Aug02 p4
insomnia cause Jan00 p3
treatment program Feb02 p3

berries Jul00 p4
beta blockers Mar00 p3
bile Jan02 p2–3
bioavailability Sep03 p3

brain health Apr01 p3
colon health Apr00 p3
vision protection Jun99 p6

bioidentical hormones Sep00 p6;

Nov00 p 5–6 . see also
hormone replacement therapy, natural alternatives

birth control (female). see also birth control pills; contraceptives

and sexually-transmitted diseases Sep-Oct01 p4
spermicides Jul98 p4
tubal ligation Apr00 p7

birth control (male) Nov99 p4
birth control pills

blood clot risk factor Nov99 p4
breast cancer link Jun98 p6; Jan99 p5
cancer risk Nov99 p8
cautions Feb00 p2
cervical cancer May03 p4
clearance Jan02 p6
drug interactions Sep00 p4
endometriosis treatment (cautions) Jul98 p7
fertility after Jun03 p7
low-dose (cautions) Nov98 p4
menstrual cycle May00 p7; Oct03 p1–3
migraine connection Feb00 p4
nutrient deficiency cause Apr99 p4
nutrient depletion Jul01 p5
older style, cancer cause Dec00 p2
ovarian cancer Dec98 p7
ovulation failure Jul99 p3
Pap smear abnormalities Jun99 p7
progesterone Sep00 p3; May03 p7; Oct03 p8
stroke risk Sep99 p3

birth defects May99 p2
Bishoff, Jim Feb02 p5–6
bisphenol A Jun99 p3; Jan00 p4
bisphosphonates Feb01 p3,8; Jun02 p6
black cohosh Jun98 p6; Jun01 p6
bladder cancer Jul99 p4

anemia Aug02 p3,8
endometrial hyperplasia Sep98 p7
fibroids Sep98 p5
hysterectomy Mar00 p7
menstrual Oct99 p5; Jul02 p7
post-menopausal spotting Aug01 p7

blood clots

birth control pills Nov99 p4; Oct03 p3
buster drugs Jun02 p4
estrogen dominance Jul99 p7
hormone balance Feb99 p7
raloxifene as risk factor Sep99 p1
stroke cause Sep99 p2
tamoxifen as risk factor May98 p2
during travel Feb01 p4

blood donors Aug02 p1
blood flow Dec00 p5
blood pressure Mar00 p2
blood pressure regulation Nov99 p8
blood sugar (glucose)

adrenal insufficiency Jul98 p5
dietary influence Dec02 p1–3
insulin response May01 p3
metabolic inhibition by genistein May98 p6

blood tests

interpreting Mar01 p5–6; Apr01 p5–6
vs. saliva testing Apr98 p3; May99 p8

blood thinners Sep00 p7; Dec00 p6
bone health

Actonel (cautions) Dec98 p4
and asthma medications Dec01 p1–2
bio-identical hormones Jul02 p5
cortisol levels Mar03 p6
Depo Provera Apr99 p8; Apr02 p4
diagnosis and treatment Oct98 p1 DMPA Aug02 p4
drugs for prevention (cautions) Jul98 p3
epidemic Jun02 p5–6
estrogen dominance symptom Apr98 p6
estrogen for prevention question Nov98 p3
fluoride Feb99 p3
Fosamax (cautions) Jul98 p3; May99 p4
fracture as side effect Sep00 p4
hormone balance May00 p7
HRT value questioned Aug01 p2
lead leaching Dec00 p4
medications (cautions) Feb01 p3,8
ovarian removal as risk factor Jun98 p2
parathyroid drug May03 p7
parathyroid hormone (PTH) Oct99 p1–2
progesterone therapy Apr99 p7; Mar01 p7
prostate cancer chemotherapy Dec01 p2
raloxifene May98 p7; Sep99 p1
rheumatoid arthritis May00 p4
vs. small bones Jul00 p7
supplement program Nov00 p5,7
vitamin D Dec02 p6

bone mineral density (BMD)

breast cancer risk Sep-Oct01 p7
interpreting results Oct98 p1
as osteoporosis diagnosis Jun02 p5–6
in petite women Jul00 p7
progesterone Sep00 p3; Jan03 p2
xylitol May02 p5–6

Botox Jul02 p4
bowel transit time Apr00 p3
brain damage Sep00 p1; Mar01 p4
brain function

environmental illness Aug00 p5
hypertension medications Sep00 p4
pregnancy Oct03 p4

brain health. see also Alzheimer's disease; dementia

caffeine Dec99 p4
cortisol Mar03 p3
curcumin Nov01 p4
environmental toxins Mar01 p2–3,8
excitation with estrogen Jun99 p2
genistein (cautions) May98 p6 maternal marijuana use Apr03 p4
nutritional support Apr01 p2–3,8
phosphatidylserine (PS) May03 p4
pollution Aug01 p4
progesterone use Oct98 p5; Dec98 p7; Jul02 p6
toxins from food Nov01 p4

brain injury Jan01 p4; Jun02 p4
Brassica family Dec00 p2
BRCA gene Apr03 p7
breast cancer

antiperspirants Nov99 p7
aromatase inhibitors Nov02 p7
birth control pills Jan99 p5; Oct03 p3
birth control pills, older style Dec00 p2
bone density as risk factor Sep-Oct01 p7
cabbage as prevention Dec00 p2
on Cape Cod Oct03 p5–6
cell proliferation Aug99 p7
conventional treatment Jul00 p1–3
eggs and meat non-risk Apr03 p3
environmental causes Jul99 p7
estrogen connection Jul99 p1
estrogen dominance Mar02 p1
European tamoxifen trials Oct98 p5
experts interview Oct00 p5–6
following hormone replacement therapy Nov00 p6
genetic role Nov01 p8
genistein influence May98 p6
HER-2 and estrogen Apr00 p6
homone profile Aug02 p5–6
hormone activity Apr99 p3
hormone imbalance Feb01 p1
hormone replacement therapy
Feb00 p1–3; Nov02 p1
lobular, rate Apr03 p3
mammograms Sep-Oct02 p8; Jan03 p1
mammography benefits questioned
May99 p4; Feb00 p3,8
Marin County , CA Dec02 p7;
Jan03 p2–3,8;
melatonin for suppression Dec01 p8
menstrual cycles Apr00 p7 Million Women Study results Sep03 p2
prevention program Jun98 p6
progesterone connection? Jun01 p3, 8
progesterone for prevention Apr98 p1; May98 p2 ; Jan01 p2
progesterone receptors Oct98 p7
and progesterone use Jun01 p6; Dec01 p3; Jul02 p5; Mar03 p8;
progestins as risk factor Apr00 p5
radiation therapy (cautions) Aug02 p4
raloxifene claim disallowed Sep99 p4
raloxifene risk May98 p7
risks from oral contraceptives Oct03 p2–3
self-examination Jan01 p7
statins as potential risk factor Mar99 p4
surgery timing Apr98 p2; May98 p3; Apr99 p5; Feb01 p6; Aug02 p6
tamoxifen May98 p1; Feb02 p1
trans fatty acids Jan00 p6
treatment afterward Dec00 p7
vitamin E and apoptosis Jun99 p4
xenohormone cause Nov99 p4

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Nov00 p1
Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project Jan03 p1
breast health

DCIS Jan99 p7
fibrocystitis Jan02 p7
mammography controversy Jan02 p1–2
progesterone benefits Oct98 p6
progesterone use Nov98 p6

breast milk May00 p6
breast pain

estrogen dominance symptom Apr98 p6
progesterone for relief Sep00 p7; Nov00 p6

breast size Nov02 p7
breast tenderness Aug99 p7; Aug01 p7

asthma prevention in children Jul99 p4
breast cancer risk reduction Jul99 p7
dietary fat Apr03 p5
milk production Jan00 p6
progesterone use Apr03 p7

bromelain Nov01 p6
brown spots Apr99 p7; May99 p7
Buddhists Jul-Aug03 p4
burdock root Jun98 p6
bypass surgery Mar01 p4

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C-reactive protein Dec00 p5; Jan03 p4
cabbage Dec00 p2

brain health Dec99 p4
breast pain Jun01 p6
and headaches Jun00 p2
incontinence May00 p3
insomnia cause Jan00 p2
iron absorption Jun00 p4


absorption May99 p6
clinical test interpretation Apr01 p6
colon health Apr00 p3
coral calcium Jul-Aug03 p6,8
diuretics (cautions) Jun98 p4
drug interference Jul02 p4
fluoride detoxification Mar99 p7
iron absorption Aug02 p3
lead leaching Dec00 p4
magnesium balance Apr99 p3; Apr02 p7
metabolic effects Nov02 p6
osteoporosis Jun02 p6
overdosing May02 p3
thyroid function Apr00 p4
xylitol May02 p6

calcium channel blockers

birth control (male) Nov99 p4
blood sugar effect Dec02 p3
brain function Sep00 p4
cautions Mar00 p3
heartburn cause Aug99 p2

calcium deposits Jan99 p7
cancer. see also specific sites, such as breast cancer; uterine cancer

AMAS diagnostic test Jun98 p3
estrogen connection Aug99 p5
estrogen role May98 p3 gene mediation Nov98 p4
genetic damage May98 p3
hormone deficiency Apr00 p5
melatonin for prevention Dec01 p5
prostate Aug98 p7
radiation therapy, questions about Jun00 p8
screening efficiency Aug02 p1
stress as cause Apr01 p4
sugar dependence Dec02 p2
tomatoes for prevention Mar99 p4
vitamin D deficiency Dec02 p5

cancer treatment Feb03 p 2, 5–6
Candida infections Mar00 p4
Cape Cod Oct03 p5–6

adrenal support diet Jul98 p6
blood sugar regulation Oct99 p6
brain health Jul-Aug03 p3
diabetes connection May01 p2

carcinogens May98 p2
L-carnitine Apr99 p4; Jan02 p4
carotenoids Jun99 p6
cars May03 p7
castration (chemical) Apr00 p7
castration (female) Jun98 p1
cataracts Jul98 p3; Jun99 p6
catechols Aug99 p5–6
Cavaliere, Ercole Aug99 p5–6
cavities. see dental health
celecoxib (Celebrex) Sep99 p4; Sep-Oct01 p4
celiac disease. see gluten sensitivity
cell death. see apoptosis
cell integrity May00 p2
Cenestin Nov99 p2
censorship Jun03 p1
cervical cancer

HPV (human papilloma virus) as potential cause Oct99 p7
oral contraceptive use May03 p4
Pap smear abnormalities Jun99 p7
progesterone metabolism Feb01 p6
seasonal variations Apr99 p5

cervical dysplasia

cancer progression Jun99 p7contraceptive use May01 p8
estrogen dominance symptom Apr98 p6
natural treatment Jul00 p7
progesterone therapy Jun98 p4

cesarean section Aug99 p7
chaste berry Jun98 p5; Sep00 p6
cheese Jan00 p2
chelation therapy Dec00 p6
chemical sensitivity Jun00 p4. see also environmental illness

controversy Jul00 p1–3
fertility maintenance Jan03 p7
menstrual cycle timing Apr99 p5

chest pain Aug98 p2
childbirth Aug99 p7. see also postpartum period

chronic diseases May01 p1
healthy environment Mar03 p7
hormone balance Aug02 p7
nutrition for Jun02 p1–3,8
Prozac approval Jan03 p4

Chinese medicine Jun98 p5; Sep98 p6
cholera Jul02 p4

and birth control pills Feb01 p4
body necessity Jul98 p1
and death rate Jan03 p4
HDL ratio Jun01 p7
oxidized LDL Apr98 p4
as straw man May02 p2
test interpretation Apr01 p5

cholesterol regulation

dietary help Jul98 p3; Jul00 p7
medications (cautions) Apr98 p4; Jul98 p2; Mar99 p4
reduction program Jun01 p1–3

Cholestin Jul98 p1
chronic fatigue syndrome Jun03 p1–2
ciguatera toxin Jun03 p1–2,5–6
cimetidine Oct00 p8
Cipro Nov01 p1–3

L-carnitine Jan02 p4
eye health Jun99 p5
progesterone Oct99 p3
strokes Sep99 p2

cisapride (Propulsid) Sep98 p4
clotbusters Jun02 p4
coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

depletion by diabetes drugs Jul01 p6
gum disease treatment Dec99 p4; Jan01 p7
statin effect on blood levels Apr98 p4

cold hands/feet Apr98 p6
cold medications Jan00 p2
colds and flu Nov02 p4
colon cancer Sep98 p4; Apr00 p2–3
colonoscopy Apr00 p2; Aug02 p1
colostrum Feb00 p7; Feb02 p6
complementary medicine

censorship of Jun03 p1
conventional mindset Nov02 p5
in Europe Dec02 p7
growing professional acceptability
Jun00 p1
widespread use of May00 p1

compounding pharmacies Nov00 p5
conception. see fertility (female); pregnancy
constipation Apr00 p2; Sep98 p4
contraceptives. see also birth control (female); birth control pills

cholesterol risks Feb01 p4
Depo Provera (cautions) Apr99 p8
Depo-Provera reader letter Aug99 p7
DMPA Aug02 p4
folic acid interference Jan01 p4
long-acting Apr01 p4
“morning after” pill Aug98 p4
Norplant (cautions) Aug00 p4
nutrient depletion Jul01 p5
oral, clearance Jan02 p6
progesterone depression Dec01 p7

conventional medicine

attitude of Jul02 p2
bias against alternative medicine May00 p4
evidence base Aug02 p1
failure of Aug00 p1–2 revised hormone positions May00 p3

copper Oct00 p2
coral calcium Jul-Aug03 p6,8
corpus luteum Sep98 p2
corticosteroids Sep00 p8; Dec02 p3

bone density Feb01 p5
breast cancer marker Aug02 p5
fatigue Jul98 p5
hormone metabolism Oct99 p5
insulin resistance Dec02 p2–3
jet lag Apr99 p4
liver function Sep99 p5
in pets Sep03 p5–6
serotonin production Jan03 p5
stress Mar03 p1,3
and thyroid function Mar03 p5–6


skin irritation Apr99 p4
sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate Jun99 p4
xenohormone content Jun99 p3

cough Aug99 p3
Coumadin. see warfarin
COX-2 inhibitors Sep-Oct01 p4
cranberries Jul00 p4
creams Feb00 p5
cribs Jan01 p5–6
Crinone, progesterone vaginal gel Jun98 p4
curcumin Nov01 p4,6
cystocele Aug01 p7
cysts. see ovarian cysts
cytochrome P450 system Oct00 p3; Jan02 p5–6

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dairy foods Jun8 p8
DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ)

prognosis Jan99 p7
survival rate Jul00 p3
tamoxifen Jul00 p8

Dean, Ward May02 p5–6
dehydration Jun03 p3
delta-6-desaturase Apr03 p6
DeMarco, Carolyn Sep98 p5
dementia Mar01 p7; Apr01 p1
dental health

coenzyme Q10 Dec99 p4
fluoridation Feb99 p2
heartburn prevention Aug99 p3
lead (cautions) Aug99 p4
xylitol May02 p1–2

deoxycorticosterone Feb00 p6
Depo Provera

bone loss Apr99 p8; Apr02 p4
reader letter Jul99 p5–6


estrogen dominance symptom Apr98 p5,6
and melatonin Dec01 p6
ovarian removal Jun98 p2
postpartum May00 p6; Sep00 p2;
Jul02 p5–D 6; Jan03 p5–6
and progesterone imbalance Feb00 p6

designer estrogens Nov99 p1–3 . see also raloxifene; tamoxifen

antiperspirants Nov99 p7
bile Jan02 p3
environmental illness Aug00 p6
liver Oct00 p2–3
prescription drugs Jan02 p5
vision protection Jun99 p6

developmental delay Dec01 p6
developmental disabilities Oct00 p7
DEXA test Oct98 p3
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)

adrenal support Jul98 p6
breast cancer marker Aug02 p5
hormone metabolism Oct99 p5
immune function Sep99 p5
libido booster Apr98 p7
supplementation Aug01 p6
testosterone levels Feb00 p6

diabetes. see also insulin resistance

alcohol and heart health Oct99 p2–3
eye damage Jun99 p5
glucosamine Nov02 p7
lifestyle effect May01 p2–3, 8
mechanism Dec02 p2
medications and nutrient depletion Jul01 p6
medications for PCOS treatment Jul99 p2
oral medications (cautions) Aug98 p4
progesterone dosage adjustment May99 p5
trans fatty acids Jan00 p6; Jun01 p4

diagnosis Apr98 p5; Dec00 p1
diet pills Jan00 p2
dieting Dec00 p4

adrenal support Jul98 p6
cholesterol reduction Jul98 p3
heart disease prevention Aug98 p3

differentiation Oct00 p5–6
digestion May98 p5
digestive health

antibiotic cautions Nov01 p2
bile Jan02 p3
DHEA Sep99 p5
and melatonin Dec01 p6

Dilantin Jul-Aug03 p4
Dioscorea. see wild yam
diosgenin Apr00 p1; Sep00 p5

cautions Mar00 p3
eclampsia treatment Apr03 p3
folic acid interference Dec00 p2
insomnia cause Jan00 p2
nutrient deficiency cause Apr99 p4
osteoporosis cause Jun98 p4


adrenal insufficiency symptoms Jul98 p5
drug side effect Mar00 p3
falls Jul99 p4

DNA Apr02 p6

fees Dec98 p3
finding one May02 p7
intuition Dec00 p1–2
listening skills Jun00 p6
standing up to Feb03 p1–2

dong quai (Angelica sinensis) Jun98 p6
dopamine Aug99 p5
douching Feb99 p6; Apr02 p7
DPA test Oct98 p3
Dr. Lee, rumors about Oct00 p1–2
drug advertising Apr98 p4
drug approvals

Cipro Nov01 p2–3
FDA process Jul01 p1–2
OxyContin Mar01 p2

drug fatigue Jul98 p3
drug interactions Apr00 p4; Nov00 p7
drugs. see prescription drugs
dry eyes

estrogen dominance symptom Apr98 p6
hormone replacement therapy Aug00 p4
progesterone therapy Oct98 p7

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ear infections Feb01 p4
eating disorders Aug00 p7; Nov00 p4
eclampsia Apr03 p2–3
eczema Jul99 p5
eggs Jun99 p8; Apr03 p3
electromagnetic radiation

in cars May03 p7
environmental illness Aug00 p6
miscarriage Mar03 p4

ellagic acid Feb02 p3
endocrine disrupters Nov00 p3
endocrine glands May99 p2
endometrial cancer

estrogen Aug99 p4; Jan00 p4
progesterone for reversal Nov98 p4

endometrial tumors Nov99 p8

birth control pill therapy (cautions)
Jul98 p7
environmental illness Aug00 p5
progesterone treatment May99 p6

endometrium Sep98 p7
endotoxins Oct00 p2
environmental illness May99 p1–2;
Aug00 p5–6

blood glucose metabolism May98 p6
cell growth proliferation May98 p6
imbalance as cancer cause Aug99 p6
prostaglandin formation Apr03 p6
testosterone conversion Jan99 p3

ephedra Aug02 p4
epinephrine Dec02 p3
erectile dysfunction Jul98 p3; Mar00 p3
esophagus. see heartburn
essential fatty acids Apr01 p2; Nov01 p6

benefits May03 p3
bioavailability Oct99 p8
breast cancer marker Aug02 p5
breast cancer relative risk Jun98 p6
cancer activation May98 p3
cell death effect May98 p2
heart health Oct99 p8
patches May03 p8
physical function Nov99 p2
potential prostate cancer cause Jan99 p3
prostate disease Feb02 p2
tumor growth Jun98 p3


benefits May03 p3
breast cancer relative risk Jun98 p6
cancer protection Jan99 p5
hot flash therapy Apr02 p7
oxidation Aug99 p6
physical function Nov99 p2
prescription source Jan99 p7
safety after breast cancer Dec00 p7
urinary tract infection treatment May00 p2
vaginal health Mar02 p7

estrogen. see also designer estrogens

Alzheimer's disease Jun99 p1–2; Apr00 p4
appropriate regimen May02 p3
blockade by oral contraceptives Oct03 p2
brain cell excitation Jun99 p2
brain health Jul-Aug03 p2
breast cancer Jul99 p1; Jan03 p3
cancer connection Aug99 p5–6
cancer risk Oct03 p7
cancer role May98 p3
cortisol Mar03 p5 delivery methods Feb00 p5
dosage determination Jun98 p6;
May03 p3,8
endometrial hyperplasia Sep98 p7
exposure and breast cancer risk Jun01 p3
heart disease prevention Aug98p5
hormone balancing use Jan01 p2
immune system suppressant May98 p3
after menopause Sep03 p2
metastasis Aug02 p6
mood Feb03 p7
prostate cancer Aug00 p3
recommended supplementation sources Nov98 p3
replacement therapy strategy Nov98 p1
thyroid suppression Jul01 p2
transdermal, cautions Feb00 p5
unopposed, as cancer cause Jan00 p4
urinary tract infections May00 p2

estrogen deficiency

mimics Feb00 p5
progesterone overdose Feb00 p6
symptom relief Jun98 p7
vitex therapy Jun98 p5

estrogen dominance. see also progesterone

appearance with progesterone usage
Oct99 p8
breast cancer Apr98 p2; May98 p2;
Mar02 p1
breast lumps Sep00 p2
cancer cause Jan99 p8
diagnosis and treatment Apr98 p5
fibroid growth Dec99 p4
HRT Jan03 p3,8
inflammatory conditions Jun00 p4
insomnia cause Jan00 p1
prostate health Sep00 p3
stroke risk Sep99 p3
symptoms Nov98 p2; Apr99 p1–2;
Sep00 p2
thyroid hormone blocker Mar99 p2
treatment plan Jan02 p7

estrogen receptors Feb00 p5; Feb03 p7
estrogen toxicity Apr98 p5
estrone Jun98 p6
evidence-based medicine Aug02 p1
Evista (raloxifene)

bone health Sep99 p1
breast cancer risk May98 p7
cautions Feb99 p7
dubious claims Sep00 p7

excitotoxins Apr98 p5

beneficial types Jul01 p2–3
fracture prevention Jul99 p4
hormone balance Feb02 p7
insomnia prevention Jan00 p3
ovulation promotion Jul99 p3
puberty delay Jan99 p6

eye health Aug00 p4

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fabric softeners Oct03 p6
fads Sep-Oct02 p4
family history May98 p7; Jun98 p2
fat (body)

abdominal fat Mar03 p7
early puberty Jan99p6
fibroid tumors Dec99 p4
gain due to estrogen dominance Apr98 p6
stress Dec00 p3
and sugar consumption May01 p3

fat (dietary)

blood sugar regulation Dec02 p3
brain health Apr01 p2
children Jun02 p2
cholesterol levels Jun01 p2
diabetes non-preventive May01 p2
infant health Apr03 p5–6
trans fatty acids Jan00 p6


adrenal insufficiency Jul98 p5
androstenedione therapy Jun98 p7
ciguatera toxin Jun03 p1–2
estrogen dominance symptom Apr98 p6
licorice root therapy Jun98 p6
liver function Sep99 p6
during pregnancy May00 p6
treatment program Mar02 p5

fatigue (drug effects) May98 p1
fats and oils Jan00 p5–6
FDA Jul01 p1–2; May03 p5–6
Femara Jul01 p7
fen-phen Jan99 p4

breast cancer risk factor Oct00 p6
infection Dec00 p6
iron storage Aug02 p3

fertility drugs Jan00 p4
fertility (female)

calcium channel blockers (cautions)
Nov99 p4
drugs for enhancement (cautions) Jun98 p3
hormone balance Nov02 p3
progesterone benefits May98 p7; Sep00 p2
progesterone gel Jun98 p4
progesterone increase Mar99 p3
weed killers Nov02 p4

fertility (male) Dec00 p3
fertility testing Mar99 p5
fetuses May99 p2; Aug00 p5
fevers Dec98 p5

bile health Jan02 p3
colon health Sep98 p4; Apr00 p2
food sources Jan02 p2
heart health Nov99 p3

fibrinogen Dec00 p5–6
fibrocystic breasts Jan02 p7

De Marco interview Sep98 p5
hormonal stimulation Jan01 p3,7
hormone therapy Sep03 p7
menstrual bleeding Jul02 p7
obesity Dec99 p4
pregnancy Dec02 p4
progesterone therapy Jun99 p7
RU-486 therapy Nov98 p7; Apr01 p7
uterine artery embolization (UAE)
Aug01 p4

finasteride (Proscar) Feb02 p2
fish Dec02 p4
fish oil

health benefits Jun00 p7
prostate cancer protection Jul01 p3, 8
stroke prevention May02 p3

fish poison Jun03 p1–2
flax seed oil Aug99 p6
flax seeds May02 p3
flea killers

Advantage (cautions) Oct98 p4
health risks Jul01 p7
miscarriage Nov02 p3

FloNase Nov00 p7
fluid retention

estrogen dominance symptom Apr98 p5,6
ovarian removal Jun98 p2


controversy May02 p1
recent efforts Mar02 p3
update Jul-Aug03 p5–6
water quality Feb99 p1–5


in antibiotics Nov01 p3
bone health Oct98 p3
brain damage Mar01 p2–3
calcium for detoxification Mar99 p7
cautions about Feb01 p2–3
scientist statements Aug99 p1–2
thyroid interference Nov00 p3

folic acid

colon health Apr00 p3
depletion by birth control pills Jul01 p5
depletion by oral contraceptives Oct03 p3
drug interactions Dec00 p2; Jan01 p4
homocysteine metabolism Mar02 p2
hypertension prevention Dec02 p4
Parkinson's disease Feb02 p4

food allergies Sep03 p6
food pyramid Sep03 p4
food sensitivities Apr98 p7; May00 p3
formaldehyde Aug00 p6
Fort Detrick, MD Mar02 p3,8
Forteo May03 p7

cautions Jul98 p3
fracture risk May99 p4
questioned Jun02 p6
side effect profile Jul98 p3; Dec98 p4


drug side effect Sep00 p4
osteoporosis Jun02 p5–6
prevention strategies Jul99 p4
raloxifene Sep99 p1
relative risk with Fosamax May99 p4
risk factors Oct98 p2
vertebral vs. hip Sep00 p7


allergy to Feb03 p2–3
cautions Oct99 p4; Oct03 p6
skin irritation Apr99 p4

free radicals Oct00 p3; Mar01 p3,8
French Paradox Oct99 p3
fried foods May02 p4
fructose Aug00 p7
fruit Jun02 p3
fungicides Jun99 p3
fungus Jan01 p5–6

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gall bladder

bile flow Jan02 p2–3
estrogen Jun00 p4
estrogen dominance Apr98 p6; Sep00 p7

genes May98 p3
genistein May98 p6
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) Feb02 p7

Gillson, George Dec99 p5–6

ginger May00 p6
ginkgo Apr01 p3
giving Dec01 p1
glandular supplements Jul98 p6
glucagon Dec02 p3; Apr03 p6
glucosamine Sep99 p6; Nov01 p5
glucosaminoglycans Nov01 p5
glucose Dec02 p2. see also blood glucose
glutamate Nov01 p4
glutathione Jun99 p6; Jan02 p6
gluten sensitivity Apr03 p4
glycogen Dec02 p2
glycolysis Sep99 p6
goat rue May00 p6
Goldberg, Burton Apr02 p5
Gordon, Garry Dec00 p5–6
Gottesman, Robert Apr98 p5; Jun00 p5–6
grapefruit juice Jul-Aug03 p4
Green, Jeff Jul-Aug03 p5–6
green-lipped mussels Nov01 p6
green tea Nov01 p4
Griffith , Les May00 p5–6
growth hormone Jun99 p4
growth hormone therapy May01 p7
guest authors. see experts interviews
gum disease Jan01 p7
gum health Dec99 p4; Apr01 p7

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hair loss

estrogen dominance symptom Apr98 p6
hormone imbalance Jan02 p7
hormone therapy Oct99 p6
progesterone deficiency Dec02 p7
progesterone therapy May03 p2; Oct03 p7

hands Mar02 p7
Hanley, Jesse Jun98 p5

adrenal insufficiency symptoms Jul98 p5
causes Jun00 p1–3
estrogen dominance symptom Apr98 p6,7
hormonal causes Apr98 p7
and melatonin Dec01 p6

healing crisis Dec98 p5
health care Jul02 p2
Healthy Foundation, The Jun02 p3
healthy habits May01 p2
heart disease

C-reactive protein Dec00 p5
estrogen for prevention question Nov98 p3
Hermsmeyer interview Aug98 p5
homocysteine as risk factor Feb99 p6
HRT value questioned Aug01 p2
insulin resistance Dec02 p2
LDL oxidation Jul98 p2
ovarian removal as risk factor Jun98 p2
references Jun01 p2
sugar cause Jan99 p4
women's special risks Aug98 p1

heart health

alcohol and diabetes Oct99 p2–3
aspirin Jan02 p8
eggs Jun99 p8
estradiol Oct99 p8
fiber Nov99 p3


cause Aug99 p2
diagnosis and treatment program
Aug99 p2–3
progesterone Feb02 p7
statin use Jul98 p3

heavy metals Mar01 p3
heme iron Aug02 p2
hemochromatosis Aug02 p2
hemoglobin Aug02 p2
heparin Dec02 p3
HER-2 breast cancer Apr00 p6
herbal medicine

challenge to New England Journal of Medicine Feb99 p6
chelation Dec00 p6
childbirth preparation May00 p5
Jesse Hanley interview Jun98 p5
pregnancy cautions Jan00 p7
vaginal bleeding treatment Sep98 p6

herbicides Mar99 p4; Jun99 p3
Hering's Law Sep-Oct02 p2
Hermsmeyer, Kent Aug98 p5
hiatus hernia Aug99p2
high-tech medicine Aug00 p1–2
histamine Dec99 p5; Jul-Aug03 p7
hoaxes Mar00 p1,7
holidays Dec99 p1–2
home delivery May00 p5–6
homeopathy Apr99 p4

Alzheimer's Mar02 p1
heart disease risk factor Aug98 p3
reduction for brain health Feb99 p6
test interpretation Mar01 p6

hormone balance

arthritis pain relief Nov01 p6
bioidentical hormones Nov00 p5
bone health May00 p7
brain health Mar01 p8; Apr01 p2
breast cancer Aug02 p5–6
cancer prevention Apr00 p5–6
case studies Apr99 p1–2
exercise Feb02 p7
in men Sep-Oct01 p5–6
menstrual cycle irregularity Sep-Oct01 p7
ovarian cysts May00 p7
pet health Sep03 p5–6
PMS symptoms Nov98 p2
pregnancy Nov02 p2–3,8
progesterone vs. estrogen Feb00 p6
prostate health Aug00 p3; Feb02 p1–3,8
replacement Jul02 p3
restoration program Jun98 p5
thyroid function Mar01 p5; Mar02 p6

hormone imbalance. see estrogen dominance
hormone metabolism Oct99 p5
hormone receptors Apr00 p5
hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

abrupt cessation Mar01 p7
Alzheimer's disease Jul-Aug03 p1–2
benefits questioned Aug01 p1–3
bioidentical requirements Sep03 p3
breast cancer risk Feb00 p1–3; Nov02 p1; Jan03 p2–3,8;
conventional view Jul02 p1–2
dosage determination Sep03 p3
dry eyes Aug00 p4
future of Sep03 p1–3,8
irritable bowel syndrome Mar03 p7
natural alternatives Jul02 p2–3,8
natural program May02 p3
negative heart disease connection Apr99 p8
NIH report May02 p8
ovarian cancer risk factor Nov99 p8
patient letter May02 p2–3
quality of life Apr03 p3,8
C. W. Randolph on Jul02 p5–6
stroke Feb02 p4
warning labels Jan03 p1–2
weight loss Feb02 p7
Women's Health Initiative (WHI) results Jul02 p1,2

Hormone Revolution Jul00 p1
hormone supplementation myths Apr00 p7
hormone testing

experts interview Feb00 p5–6
menstrual cycle Jan00 p8
saliva vs. serum Jan01 p3, 8

hormones. see also specific compounds such as cortisol; testosterone

conversion inhibition May98 p6
histamine connection Dec99 p
pop quiz Dec98 p3
prescription status Jan03 p2
revised thinking on May00 p3
saliva testing Jan00 p3
sexual development Jul00 p6

host resistance May00 p2
hot flashes

estriol therapy Apr02 p7
hormone supplementation May03 p1
prevention on HRT weaning May03 p8
progesterone therapy Nov98 p3
red clover extract Nov02 p4

household products Oct03 p5
houses Oct03 p6
HPA axis Sep03 p5–6
HPV (human papilloma virus) Oct99 p7
Hrushesky, William Apr99 p5–6
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) Oct00 p5–6
Huperzine-A Apr01 p8
hydralazine Mar00 p3
hydrocortisone Jul98 p6
hydrogen peroxide Feb03 p5
hygeine May00 p2

as drug side effect Mar00 p3
magnesium Apr99 p3; Apr03 p3
prevention program Mar00 p1–4

hypertension medications Sep00 p4; Dec02 p3
hypoglycemia Apr98 p6; Jan00 p2
hypotension Jul99 p4

cause and treatment Nov00 p2–3
immune system Nov00 p3
misdiagnosis Mar99 p1
symptoms Mar99 p2; Nov00 p2


appropriateness Mar00 p7
fibroids Sep98 p5
heart disease risk factor Aug98 p2
hormone replacement program Oct98 p8
hormones after Feb01 p5; Aug01 p5
incontinence Nov00 p4
ovarian impairment Jun98 p1; Apr99 p7
prevention strategy Sep98 p7
vs. progesterone supplementation Sep00 p2

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ibuprofen Aug98 p4
imidacloprid. see Advantage (imidacloprid)
immune function. see also autoimmune disorders

breast cancer Aug02 p6
breastfeeding for developmental support Jul99 p4
DHEA Sep99 p5
dietary enhancement Feb00 p4
hormone control Apr99 p6
insulin resistance Mar02 p6
and melatonin Dec01 p6
progesterone Feb01 p6
and smallpox Sep-Oct02 p2–3
sugar Oct99 p1
support plan Nov01 p3
vaccination controversy Nov99 p5–6; Dec99 p8

immune system

antibacterial soap Jan02 p4
estrogens as suppressant May98 p3
hypothyroidism Nov00 p3
natural killer cells Feb02 p5–6
progesterone May00 p2
suppression during childhood Dec98 p5

impotence Mar00 p3; Jul98 p3
Incao, Phillip Dec98 p5; Sep-Oct02 p1–3,5–6

hysterectomy Nov00 p4
prescription drug cause Oct99 p4
treatment program May00 p1–3
weight loss Dec02 p4

indium Sep-Oct02 p4
individuality May98 p4
infant formulas Jul00 p5; Aug01 p4

low birthweight and maternal douches Feb99 p67
maternal dietary fat Apr03 p5–6
vaccinations Nov99 p5–6


see also smallpox
healing crisis Dec98 p6
heart disease Dec00 p5–6
incontinence cause May00 p2
response to Sep-Oct02 p2

infertility (female)

causes Sep98 p3
eating disorders Aug00 p7
estrogen dominance symptom Apr98 p6
fertility drugs (cautions) Jan00 p4
fetal xenoestrogen exposure May99 p2
progesterone therapy Jan00 p7
vitex therapy Jun98 p5

infertility (male) Feb00 p4

healing crisis Dec98 p6
heart disease Dec00 p5
incontinence cause May00 p2
oral contraceptives Oct03 p3
sleep Feb03 p4

inhibin Mar99 p5
inoculations. see vaccinations

estrogenic effects Jan99 p4
miscarriage Nov02 p3
xenohormone contamination Jun99 p3


estrogen dominance symptom Apr98 p5,6; Feb99 p7
heartburn cause Aug99 p3
medications (cautions) Jul99 p4
melatonin therapy Dec01 p5
progestins May01 p7
statin use Jul98 p3
treatment options Jan00 p1–2


body fat Jan99 p6
cortisol interaction Oct99 p6; Mar03 p5
ovulation failure Mar99 p6; Jul99 p3
polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Jan03 p4
prostaglandin formation Apr03 p6
testosterone levels Sep-Oct01 p5

insulin resistance

hormone replacement therapy Mar02 p4
magnesium May03 p4
mechanism May01 p3; Dec02 p2
miscarriage Nov02 p3,8
sleep Feb03 p4

intercourse Mar02 p7
iodine Nov00 p3

breast cancer risk factor Oct00 p6
caffeine and absorption Jun00 p4
diet vs. supplement sources Feb00 p7
functions Aug02 p1–3,8
heart disease risk factor Aug98 p3
infection Dec00 p6
thyroid function Apr00 p4

irritable bowel syndrome

drug approval Jul01 p2
HRT Mar03 p7
and PMS Jun01 p4

ischemia Mar00 p3
isoflavones Nov02 p4
itching Jul-Aug03 p7

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