Dr. Lee’s Reflections on September 11

From the September 2023 Hormone Balance Hotline

At this time, on the 22nd anniversary of the tragedies of 9/11, we send you our best wishes for your wellness, and for your inner peace. Dr. John Lee wrote a powerful and compassionate article right after the horrific attacks on 9/11/01 in the USA. He ended with these beautiful words:

“…. I encourage you to remember that the only truly safe place that each individual always has available is within. Regardless of your religious persuasion, or lack of it, all of us have the power to create peace inside of ourselves in any given moment. It’s not always easy, but it’s always possible, and it’s always the optimal way to meet whatever is going on outside of yourself. You can be at peace inside yourself and still be courageous, decisive, and strong; in fact, these qualities can come forth even more if they come from a place of peace.”

Dear Reader,

“There isn’t an American who hasn’t been touched in some way by the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon. The nation has rallied and come together in the face of this terrible tragedy. While we mourn the victims and the months and years of trauma that their loved ones will have to endure, we are simultaneously lifted by the courage of the rescue workers, the patriotism of the thousands of volunteers, and the myriad ways that Americans are uniting to support each other during this crisis.”

The Antidote to Hatred

“There’s no doubt that the entire globe needs to work together to eradicate these terrorist groups. However, the real test of Americans and our leaders will come in the weeks and months to follow as we choose whether to be violent and vindictive or to find the most peaceful route possible to accomplish this goal…The extreme hatred demonstrated by the hijackers is borne of extreme poverty and ignorance. The antidote to hatred is not more hatred and violence, it’s love and compassion.

“…what if we used our armies and our resources to provide food, clothing, shelter and educational resources for the countries who are spawning these desperate young men? What if we helped provide opportunities to the young people of countries who currently feel they have no future? Granted, they have wanted no part of U.S. help in the past, but this may be a window of opportunity to reach out. The average person in any country, poor or not, does not condone the mass slaughter of innocent people, and I’m sure that mothers in these countries would rather see their sons go off to work than to war.”

There’s Only One Safe Place on the Planet

“And finally, I encourage you to remember that the only truly safe place that each individual always has available is within. Regardless of your religious persuasion, or lack of it, all of us have the power to create peace inside of ourselves in any given moment. It’s not always easy, but it’s always possible, and it’s always the optimal way to meet whatever is going on outside of yourself. You can be at peace inside yourself and still be courageous, decisive, and strong; in fact, these qualities can come forth even more if they come from a place of peace.”

The John R. Lee, M.D. Medical Letter
September – October 2001