Booklets and Reports


by John R. Lee M.D.

How to boost memory, sharpen thinking, and improve your mood through diet, supplements and lifestyle changes.

Hormones Etc 2001 (20 pages)


What your doctor may not tell you about prostate health and natural hormone supplementation.
A booklet by John R. Lee, M.D.
Hormones Etc 2003 (28 Pages)


The long-awaited work by John R. Lee, M.D. that sheds light on how men's hormones really work, what really causes prostate cancer, and how to supplement with natural hormones safely. It's a short book but it's packed with provocative insights and useful information.

Hormone Balance for Men - Hard Copy $15.95
Hormone Balance for Men - Download PDF $13.95

by John R. Lee M.D.

In this booklet, Dr. Lee talks about how heart disease in women is different, and explains why your diet does not necessarily affect your cholesterol level, why cholesterol drugs often don't reduce the risk of heart disease, why you might not want to put too much weight on blood pressure and cholesterol numbers, and gives much down-to-earth advice on how to prevent and reverse heart disease.

Hormones Etc 1999 (32 pages)
